Dan Willis

Tactics for Today While You're Redesigning Tomorrow
Thu 26 October 1711:30 - 12:00
New design leaders quickly discover what experienced leaders already know: No matter how brilliant your long-term plans for addressing major organisational challenges, ignoring problems today is never an option.
In this talk, Dan will outline five tactics you can start using your first day back in the office after the Leading Design conference. None of these tactics require staff re-organisations or budget re-allocations. Each of them can lead to meaningful improvements for your current design process while you strategize on how your organisation will design in the future.
About Dan Willis
Dan Willis is a user experience designer and consultant who has led design teams for The Washington Post, the Tribune Co., the Public Broadcasting System and Marriott International. His consulting clients have included Volkswagen, the Royal Bank of Canada and several U.S. federal agencies. He is currently working with the U.S. Digital Service to introduce product development and user-centred design processes at U.S Citizenship and Immigration Services.